Monday, August 30, 2010

Is It Too Early.....

I know fall isn't for a few more weeks but the way it feels outside, I am getting that "fall feeling" and I have mixed emotions about it. As you all know, I am a fall fanatic. I am always excited about the change in the air and the physical feeling that fall brings. However, now that I have lived in Idaho for 6 years, my feelings about fall arriving have changed. Winter follows fall way too closely and I am still enjoying summer. But today, it's only mid-60's and I'm wearing a cardigan. This is too early in the season. I heard someone the other day say that "they say winter is coming early this year." First of all, who is "they", and second of all when summer didn't start until the last week of June, how can winter possibly be showing it's ugly head early? I mean really. The frustrating thing is that who can you complain to? Mother Nature is going to do whatever the heck she wants to. She doesn't care that I'm sick of being cold 9 months out of the year. It matters little to her. So I guess this is one of those times "if you can't beat 'em, join em." So, I now have a fall blog background and I am going to light my fall candle Samantha gave me even though I have held off because in the back of my mind I thought that if I lit it, it would bring cooler weather sooner. So, here we go..... a fall background, fall candle..... I may have my fall decorations out this week. Who knows? On the other hand, if it warms up, you may see my background change back to something more suitable to summer and I may burn my citrus mango candle again!!! Crazy weather. Who says there is global warming? Not in Idaho, that's for sure!!!


Unknown said...

Haha! I loved your little rant! I agree the weather is stupid and I pulled out my pumpkin spice candle about a week ago. I couldn't help it!

Jennifer said...

I am also loving fall! The weather is so mornings and evenings and beautiful, sunny days. I am going to be better about reading your blog because you, Sam and Cass are all such great writers! LOVE YOU :-)