So Wednesday night at 8:45 Cole went into the operating room to have his appendix removed and then on Friday morning at 10:30 he was escorted by his two beautiful sisters as he was crowned Homecoming Prince! It's been a crazy week to say the least. He started having stomach pains Tuesday morning and after trying everything we could think of, we finally took him into the emergency room on Wed. at 2 pm. He got on WebMD and decided that he had appendicitis and needed to get to the hospital. I could tell he was in a lot of pain and this wasn't just the flu. So, off we went to the ER. He wants to be a doctor so was teasing that he self-diagnosed and so definitely the medical field was the direction he should pursue!
Cassidy and Sam arrived at 10:00 am to be at the assembly by 11:00. What great sisters he has to come such a distance to share this fun time with him. He was definitely the luckiest Homecoming Court member with two beautiful girls on his arm. The princess is his girlfriend, Teresa Rigby. They look great together. Such a handsome couple! Anyway, his first dance was last night as well. I will post pictures of that when I get a minute to download them.
He wasn't able to play in the football game, obviously, but was good to support the team and stand on the sidelines the entire game. When his name was announced at the assembly, the entire football team that was sitting together, gave him a standing ovation! It was really cool. It's been a whirlwind week, but so much fun. I'm proud of Cole and the amazing young man he is. He is a good example to those around him and I know many look up to him. I am a lucky mom to have him as my son!!