Saturday, July 17, 2010


It's been party time at the Kiser's. First Cole turned 16 on June 22nd and then Quinn turned 12 on July 15th. Where we live in Ammon, there is a great little convenience store called "Speedimart." If you've been to visit me you know what I'm talking about. Anyway, they are perfectly happy to let anyone use their marquee for birthdays, anniversaries, missionary calls, welcome homes, etc. So, I thought it would be fun to post something about Cole's birthday. Cole thought it was pretty cool but it's now the 17th of July and it's still up! He's wishing someone else would have use of the marquee and change it. It's hard to believe that my youngest child is 12, done with elementary school and primary and moving onto young mens and middle school. Where has the time gone. Wasn't I a mom always surrounded by small children? When we were in Oregon, I was looking at my 5 children standing around me and couldn't believe that we were all almost the same size (give or take a couple of inches) but really. It's a weird reality. And, now that Cole is an inch taller than me, I've reached a new stage..... I have a child that is taller than me and I have to look up to look into his eyes. Since my girls are shorter than me, this is the first time this has happened.
It's exciting and sad all at the same time. I loved being a mother of young children but absolutely love, love being a mother of older children. We have so much fun together. We are friends and we laugh and play and its just the best. I feel so lucky to have been blessed with amazing children. They truly have brought me so much joy. I thank my Heavenly Father everyday that he sent them to me!! Lucky me!!